Top 8 Tips for Winterizing the Irrigation System on a Golf Course

 The Importance of Winterization

  • Winterization is the essential process of removing all water from an irrigation system to prevent potential damage to its components. This becomes especially crucial in cold climates where freezing is inevitable.
  • Water undergoes a 9% expansion in volume when it freezes, which can lead to damage within a closed irrigation system.
  • Proper winterization of your golf course irrigation system ensures peace of mind during the cold months, knowing that your equipment will be ready for action come spring. The time and effort invested in winterizing your system will yield significant benefits when you need it next.

Preparing for Winterization

  • Winterizing a golf course irrigation system may seem daunting due to its extensive coverage and numerous components. Typically, these systems hold a substantial amount of water, ranging from 22,000 to 27,000 gallons.
  • Golf course operators and commercial landscape contractors are familiar with irrigation maintenance, and winterization is a vital part of their routine.
  • To simplify the process, consider the following 8 tips.

Tip 1: Develop a Plan

  • Create a written winterization plan, which will serve as a valuable reference for future years. Make notes about what works and what doesn't, and update it annually.
  • Keep a map of the golf course and its irrigation system readily accessible. Start planning well in advance of the first freeze, ensuring that the air temperature is above freezing when clearing the pipes.

Tip 2: Do Your Prep Work

  • For a golf course irrigation system, the blow-out method is necessary. This involves using high-pressure air to force out remaining water.
  • In the days leading up to the blow-out, mark the locations of couplers, drains, and isolation or vacuum valves.
  • Maintain the area around sprinkler heads and valves to make them easy to locate on the blow-out day.
  • Identify a suitable location to connect a compressor to the network, ideally at a high elevation.
  • Open drains using compressed air two days before winterizing and ensure vacuum valves are operational. Attach quick coupler keys to facilitate air circulation.

Tip 3: Stock Up on Supplies

  • Ensure you have the necessary fittings for your system, including bull hose fittings for 2-inch air compressor lines.
  • Keep enough fuel on hand to refill your compressor and place it conveniently for refueling during the blow-out.
  • Book your air compressor rental early, as they tend to be in high demand during winterization season.

Tip 4: Select the Right Air Compressor

  • Understanding air compressor settings is vital for a successful blow-out. Cubic feet per minute (CFM) indicates the air volume the compressor can push.
  • Typically, aim for double the CFM compared to the flow rate (Gallons Per Minute, or GPM) of the irrigation system. This ensures efficient blow-out.
  • Compressors come in different sizes (e.g., 30, 70, 130, or 185 CFM), and the choice depends on your system's capacity and availability.

Tip 5: Know Your Air Compressor

  • Prioritize safety for yourself and the system. Use a long hose connection to dissipate heat, a 2-inch minimum connection, and connect to steel piping (avoid PVC, as it may melt).
  • Utilize a pressure regulator set to the factory recommended pressure, typically 40-60 psi, equipped with safety features such as a pressure relief valve, flow regulating control valve, pressure gauges, and an air and oil separator.

Tip 6: Set Up for the Blow-Out Procedure

  • Assemble a team of 3-5 crew members for the blow-out, with specific roles assigned.
  • Prioritize higher elevation irrigation zones to reduce the risk of water returning to those areas.
  • Monitor pressure within the lines actively being blown out and perform multiple short cycles to ensure all trapped water is removed.

Tip 7: Finish the Blow-Out

  • Confirm that all zones are clear by observing the sprinklers, which should appear as a fog when the section is clear.
  • Close the valves of each zone, shut down the compressor, and allow low elevation drain valves to remain open overnight for water drainage.
  • Disconnect the compressor once all pressure is relieved.

Tip 8: Double Check Your Work

  • On the following day, review your work and clear any residual water. Some zones may require fewer cycles on the second day.
  • Reopen any closed valves, and ensure all air relief valves are open.
  • If you have any questions about winterizing your golf course irrigation system, our experienced team at Vanden Bussche is here to assist you. Contact us online or visit the nearest Vanden Bussche location for expert guidance on golf course irrigation system design and installation.

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